Thursday, February 23, 2012

How to Use Windows7 Problem Steps Recorder (PSR).

Microsoft understands your problems so they introduced a new feature called Problem Steps Recorder in Windows7. This is least discussed topic. It is the application which records your mouse clicks and keyboard inputs with screenshots and combines in HTML file.

1. Start Problem Steps Recorder.

The Problem Steps Recorder is not easily visible in start menu. To start this app click on start button then click on Run. In run type "PSR.exe" (or PSR only) (Quotes is not necessary).

Start PSR from Run.

2. Use Problem Steps Recorder to Record Problems.

This app records your every mouse clicks and your keyboards inputs. So to use this click on Start Record (Alt + A) button. Then perform an action which illustrates your problems easily. Try to ignore unnecessary clicks because it will make final file larger, longer and complicated. When you have done all the steps slick on Stop Recording (Alt + O). It will ask you to save your .zip file, give any name and choose where to save.
Start Recording
Stop Recording

3. Share Results.

After saving file share this file on various forums or with your friends so they can understand what's your exact problem and give you solution. This ZIP file contains only one .mht file which is written in XML. Any latest browser will open this file ( I recommend to use Opera).

.mht file in Opera

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