If you blog daily and want to grow your blog and visitors count then sharing is necessary. If your blog posts have enough sharing buttons and links then it will increase returning visitors.
So here i have some code that you have to add in your blog and it will appear Google +1 button in each post. Do the same as below.
1. Go to Blogger.com and click on template then click on 'Edit HTML' and then 'Proceed'.
2. Check on 'Expand Widget Templates '
3. Now search for "
4. Now click on 'Save Template'. That's it.
So here i have some code that you have to add in your blog and it will appear Google +1 button in each post. Do the same as below.
1. Go to Blogger.com and click on template then click on 'Edit HTML' and then 'Proceed'.
2. Check on 'Expand Widget Templates '
3. Now search for "
" without quotes. And then paste below code exact before it.(See image below)4. Now click on 'Save Template'. That's it.