Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Download APK Directly to Your Windows PC : Real APK Leecher


Friends Now you can download APK files directly into your Windows PC. Real APK Leecher is a free program written in JAVA offers that you can download any application from Play Store to your PC directly.


The only things you need to enter is your email id, password (Don't worry it's safe.), your Device ID. That's It. There are some other options but those are optional.


Download Real APK Leecher from HERE. OR scan this QR Code.

Open Real APK Leecher and fill up the required details. It asks you for gmail's mail id and password, which you use to download apps to your android phone. Third field is for Device id.

You can get device id by downloading app called Device ID, or simply by typing *#*#8255#*#* it will open up GTalk service monitor. 

In this go down to row starting with Device ID: android-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. In this text after android is your device id. Copy this and paste to software.

You should select country and language.

If you don't know what is "SIM Operator Number", leave it  the blank

Choose folder where you want to save downloaded files, and configure other options as your requirement and Press SAVE.

That's It.

NOTE:  If you download more files than it may happen that your account will be blocked, so that if you don't want to be banned or don't want to enter your id and password, then download the file from below. It's pre-configured Real APK Leecher with my credentials.

Download :  

Real APK Leecher (Original)

Real APK Leecher (pre-configured)


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