Sunday, August 14, 2011

Computer network, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Pearson 4th Edition - Sem V - GTU

Name : Computer Networks, 4/E
Author : Andrew S. TanenbaumVrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ISBN-10: 0130661023
ISBN-13:  9780130661029
Publisher:  Prentice Hall
Copyright:  2003
Format:  Cloth; 912 pp
Published:  08/09/2002

  1. Introduction computer networks.
  2. The Physical Layer.
  3. The Data Link Layer.
  4. The Medium Access Control Sub layer.
  5. The Network Layer.
  6. The Transport Layer.
  7. The Application Layer.
  8. Network Security computer networking.
  9. Reading List and Bibliography.

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