Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Use OpenDNS for Faster and Safer Browsing

With the use of DNS servers you can surf the web sites fast and safely. Here is a tut about how to configure you system to use DNS servers and which is the best.

To get fastest speed with safety just use OpenDNS (www.opendns.com) for your ISP’s DNS servers. OpenDNS has a monster DNS cache, and DNS servers located around the globe, so you may be able to retrieve IP addresses from it more quickly than from the default DNS servers your ISP points to. And, as you’ll see later in this hack, you get all kinds of other benefits, such as automatically fi xing URLs typos for you; for example, type www.yahoo.cmo into your address bar, and you’ll be sent to www.yahoo.com, instead of getting a page error.

You only need to configure your system to use it. The following section will teach you.

Configure OpenDNS in Windows XP
In Windows XP, select Control Panel→Network and Internet Connections→Network Connections,
right-click your network connection from the Network Connections window, and select Properties.
From the network connection dialog box that appears, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click
Properties. The screen you’ll see will be the same as the in below image.

Select “Use the following DNS server addresses” ( See Figure ). For the Preferred DNS server, enter
this address: For the Alternative DNS server, enter this address: Click OK, and then click Close and Close again. Restart your PC for the settings to take effect.

Configure OpenDNS in Windows Vista
To use OpenDNS servers in Windows Vista, select Control Panel→Network and Internet→Network
and Sharing Center. Click the View status link on the right side of the screen. The Local Connection
Status screen appears. Click Properties, and the Local Area Connection Properties screen appears.
Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP v4), click Properties and follow steps as in Windows XP.

Configure OpenDNS in Windows7
For open DNS in Windows7 goto Control Panel→Network and Internet→Network and Sharing Center.In the right pane 'view your active section' your active connection is there click on your connection name beside 'Connection:'. New window appears showing your connection status in there click on 'Properties' will popups new window. Click on Networking tab, select 'Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)' and click on Properties. Now as in figure do above steps in XP and Click OK, and close. Reboot your computer to change effect. Here is a detailed tutorial about setting DNS servers in Windows7
If you want to use other DNS servers then here is list of all top DNS Servers

Enjoy !

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